Member of the Futureal Group

With Csaba Magyarósi on Corvin Promenade


With Csaba Magyarósi on Corvin Promenade


Csaba Magyarósi, the well-known Hungarian YouTuber once again discussed the history of the Corvin Promenade with Áron Görög, the Sales Director of Cordia.

The conversation touched on the results of the urban rehabilitation project, and the nearly two-decade-long transformation of the 22-hectare residential area that was previously infamous, for its typically deteriorated condition. The spectacular increase in the value of the apartments built in the area clearly demonstrates the success of the region’s most significant real estate investment: the newly built apartments on the Corvin Promenade have increased in value 5-6 times since the start of sales.

Watch the video showcasing the history of Corvin Promenade HERE.